Fuck your champion edit rape button
Fuck your champion edit rape button

fuck your champion edit rape button

What makes this situation even worse is that these colleges aren’t just ignoring the problem, but by doing so they are encouraging the problem to grow.

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It’s a severe case of Not My Problem, which has already killed more people in this country than Ebola. He had been accused two times previously of sexual assault at colleges he was able to leave one school to enroll in another. He has now also been charged with the abduction and murder of a Virginia Tech student. Though there are many such cases known, the most egregious involves Jesse Matthew, Jr., who has been charged with the murder of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham. The danger is magnified by the widespread college policy of allowing students accused of sexual assault to simply withdraw from college before their disciplinary hearings and transfer to another school, with no specific record on their transcripts that they might be a threat. How is this any different than some primitive tribe sacrificing their children to the gods in hope of a better harvest? Worse, how is this any different from the behavior of sexual predators? Their negligence is the result not of ignorance but of greed: protecting their brand so they can lure more unsuspecting students, grants, and alumni donations. Maybe that sounds harsh, but they’ve been entrusted with not just our children, but the future success of our society. And those administrators and campus security personnel who neglected their duties to launch sincere investigations of sexual assault claims should be, at the very least, fired from their jobs and at most sued for or charged with criminal negligence. When it comes to both those necessities, college administrators today receive an F-minus. Such legislation is especially necessary in light of the widespread negligence of our colleges and universities when it comes to thoroughly investigating claims of sexual assault and educating students about consent. Comparable laws are being considered by legislatures around the country. New York’s governor is now pushing for a similar law in that state. Apparently, some males believe that being passed out is a woman’s coy form of consent. This is an improvement over the previous No-Means-No protocol, because sexual aggressors could claim a woman didn’t say no to their advances, even though the woman might have been incapacitated through drink, drugs (whether self-administered or given to her without her knowledge), or fear of violent behavior from the male. Popularly known as a Yes-Means-Yes law, it obliges those engaging in sexual activity to first give “affirmative consent.” That means they have to specifically say “yes” before any sexual contact.

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Fortunately, California has recently enacted legislation that may reduce the number of sexual assaults and make it easier to prosecute offenders.

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